Leadership Software

Super Mind Power

PO Box 725 · Nyack, NY 10960
(914) 358-0406 · fax: (914) 358-0359

Florida, U.S.A. Approx. 1.4MB
New York, U.S.A. Approx. 1.4MB

"Download" buttons will appear above - it sometimes takes a moment to get painted. Please select the location nearest you for downloading

Approximate download time during low traffic with a 33.6 modem and Pentium: 10 minutes. Write down the name of the file you are downloading: SUPERMP.EXE

After completing your download, do this:

- Windows 3.1: run the File Manager

- Windows '95: open the Windows Explorer

and then when you find the above file name on the files list, just double-click it to start installation.

Thank You

We hope you enjoy your software.
If you decide you would like to purchase Super Mind Power, all you need to do is contact us with your credit card information and we will give you a registration code to unlock the power of your mind!

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